Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  14 Aur  ·  16 Aur  ·  17 AR Aur  ·  18 Aur  ·  19 Aur  ·  AE Aur  ·  Flaming Star Nebula  ·  IC 405  ·  IC 410  ·  NGC 1893  ·  Sh2-229  ·  Sh2-230  ·  Sh2-236  ·  The star 14Aur  ·  The star 16Aur  ·  The star 19Aur  ·  VdB39
IC405 & 410 - The Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebulas, Jason Wiscovitch
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IC405 & 410 - The Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebulas

IC405 & 410 - The Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebulas, Jason Wiscovitch
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IC405 & 410 - The Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebulas



Acquisition details



IC405 & 410 - The Flaming Star & Tadpole Nebulas


@williamoptics RedCat 51

@celestronuniverse Edge HD 8” w/Hyperstar @zwoasi 1600mm x2, 224MC, 30mm Guide Scope, ASIAIR, ASIAIR PRO, & EAF @baaderplanetarium F2 HA, OIII, & SII, Astronomik HA, OIII, & SII Filters @skywatcherusa EQ6-R Mount

Acquisition on IC405 & 410

-SII 310x90” (7.75hrs) HS & 195x180” (9.75hrs) RC 17.5hrs total SII -HA 380x90” (9.5hrs) HS & 185x180” (9.25hrs) RC 18.85hrs total HA

36.25 hrs total HA and SII

Acquisition on IC410

-SII 6hrs total

-HA 6hrs total

-OII 6hrs total

18hrs total SHO

-50 Darks, 50 Flats, 250 Bias per session -Gain 139 -Temp-15c -Bortle 5

Another collaboration with @itz_reg

SII - 13.45hrs

HA - 12.7hrs

OIII - 20.25

RGB Stars

- 46.40 Total integration Time

This stack has a total integration time of 100.65


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC405 & 410 - The Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebulas, Jason Wiscovitch